Ad • dic • tion n.
The condition of being unable to stop using or doing something as a habit, especially something harmful

Gambling addiction refers to continuous and repeated problematic gambling behaviour that leads to significant negative consequences and/or distress for the struggling person. It is also known as problem gambling, pathological gambling or gambling disorder.
Without help, the harmful effects could worsen over time. But the good news is, gambling addiction can be addressed with proper and timely intervention.

Spending or shopping addiction refers to a repeated and compulsive behaviour of making excessive or unnecessary purchases. It can come in different forms—some engage in ‘retail therapy’, some pursue luxury and lifestyle products, while others chase after bargains and sales. However, a common underlying pattern is the loss of control and use of spending to feel good or cope with negative feelings. It can lead to serious consequences such as debts, relational conflict and other mental health issues.

Sex addiction describes a persistent and compulsive need to engage in sexual acts, despite negative consequences. A struggling person is typically unable to control his or her own sexual behaviour, even when it interferes with personal and family interests and responsibilities. They may act out sexually in ways that harm their marriage or relationships, or even engage sexual misconduct and criminal acts.

Pornography refers to written or visual materials (e.g., videos, magazines, novels) with explicit sexual content designed solely to arouse sexually and/or to satisfy the sexual urges of the viewer. Although pornography-viewing usually starts off as a recreational activity, constant exposure to images that are sexual in nature can quickly become pleasurable and highly addictive. For many, the inability to stop watching pornography usually brings about immense guilt and shame.

Love addiction refers to an unhealthy pattern of romantic love. It typically involves repeated obsessive thoughts and out-of-control behaviour towards romantic fantasies and new relationships, which lead to negative life consequences. A struggling person may even embark on risky behaviours in pursuit of the relationship, such as committing illegal acts or lending money to an online love interest.